2025 Speakers

Time Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sabbath
7:00 AM Patino Patino Patino Patino
9:30 AM Steve Dickman Steve Dickman Steve Dickman Steve Dickman
11:00 AM Carlos Munoz Carlos Munoz Carlos Munoz Dr. Isaac Olatunji
2:30 PM Dr. Torquato Dr. Torquato Dr. Torquato
3:00 PM Dr. Isaac Olatunji
4:00 PM R. Calderon R. Calderon R. Calderon
7:00 PM Dr. Isaac Olatunji Dr. Isaac Olatunji Dr. Isaac Olatunji Dr. Isaac Olatunji D. Jamieson

Isaac Olatunj

Isaac Olatunji (Ola-tune-gee) Jr., PhD (Dr.O) was born in New York City and was raised in the Washington, D.C. area. Dr. Olatunji is currently a professor of Theology and Social Work at Oakwood University and a pastor at State Line SDA Church in Alabama. Dr. Olatunji is a social media influencer and motivational speaker. Dr. Olatunji is the author of the motivational book, “You Can Fly Beyond The Sky” teaching motivational principles based on the word of God for peak performance and ultimate success. It is Dr. Olatunji’s ultimate goal to reflect the character of Christ, to lead millions to salvation through faith in Christ and finally to win the crown of eternal life.
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Carlos Munoz

Carlos Munoz serves as Director of AFCOE and is an associate speaker for Amazing Facts. As a young man, Carlos lived for the pleasures of this world, but he felt empty and without purpose until he surrendered all to Jesus. While serving in New York City as a bilingual teacher, his love for Christ and His Word grew. Carlos is passionate about sharing Bible truths through prophecy seminars and training churhes in evangelism.

Steve Dickman

Steve was born into ministry, as both of his parents had attended Madison College and were instrumental in the leadership of Harbert Hills Academy, a Madison Unit. He attended and graduated from Harbert Hills Academy. In 1980 Steve graduated from Walla Walla College with a degree in Civil Engineering and practiced in that field until 1991. At that time Steve transitioned to the Non-Profit world, and for 33 years, Steve has served at Harbert Hills Academy in Savannah Tennessee. He also served six years as the President for ASI National, and continues to serve as President of The Layman Foundation, and is now serving as President for Outpost Centers International. Steve has a passion for helping activate lay people in support of the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist church to help get the Three Angels Messages into all the world.

Steve and his wife Brenda are parents to two grown and married daughters and have the joy of two grandsons.

Encouraging supporting ministries, evangelism and mission work are some of Steve’s favorite activities.

Richard Calderon

Richard Calderon was raised a Roman Catholic, graduated from a Lutheran University, attended a non-denominational church and finally became a Seventh day Adventist in 1974.

At that time, he was a public high school teacher. As his faith and Christian experience grew, he longed to be a missionary.

After attending a mission training program in Colorado, he, his wife Michelle, and their 3 sons served as missionaries in Taiwan (5 years), then Venezuela (1 Year), next to India (3 years) and finally his dream came true when he and his wife were called to serve in China (12 years).

Richard has serving as the China Project Coordinator for Amazing Facts work in China, since 2008.

Now as a remote worker for Amazing Facts, he serves as an elder at the Sunnyside  SDA Church, in Sunnyside, Washington.

Dr. Torquato

Wayne Kablanow

Wayne Kablanow is a retired pastor and church planter who currently resides with his wife in the Willits, California area. He worked in the Upper Columbia Conference for 36 years. He enjoys woodworking, hiking, camping, canoeing, reading, gardening, giving Bible studies, and engaging in service opportunities, as well as spending time with his wonderful wife, their two adult children and families. He has a passion for following Christ’s method of ministry which included teaching, preaching, and healing (Matthew 4:23). He embraces the fact that “The union of Christlike work for the body and Christlike work for the soul is the true interpretation of the gospel” (Evangelism 514). After retirement he published a book entitled Society In Freefall which was prompted by a desire to see as many people as possible place their lives in the hands of Jesus Christ, especially as this world continues to collapse and we approach His soon return. It is a study of the Three Angels Messages of Revelation 14 with a focus on Christ our righteousness.